


Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant, which is know as ‘the mother of antioxidants’, it is used by your body to help remove free radicals and toxins through the lymphatic system. 

Antioxidants are critical as they help keep you body in healthy balance.

Health Benefits

Glutathione is made up of three amino acids: 

L-cysteine: is a basic building block of glutathione. Because a number of health conditions deplete your glutathione levels, you need L-cysteine to make more within your brain and body tissues.

Glycine is a stabilised amino acid and is the most abundant amino acid in collagen.

 L-Gutamate (GLU) is one of the most abundant amino acids in nature and it plays important functions at the cellular level. It help to support the nervous system.

Common Signs of Deficiency

Who needs it the most

How does it work? Taking a vitamin injection has no down time. During this procedure, the practitioner will prepare the injection and administer it on your arm. While the majority of patients tend to describe the experience as relatively painless, it is possible that some individuals may experience slight soreness for a few hours.

Contra Indications: If you have any allergy to the product, is suffering with Kidney and liver problems, has active acute treatment, is under close medical supervision at hospital, has active cancer or undergoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy,  is prone to keloid scarring, has cardiac disease, has renal failure,  on antipsychotic drug Prolixin (fluphenazine), has thalassemia and hemochromatosis , has hypersensitivity to Calcitriol, has Hypercalcemia , is pregnancy or  breastfeeding, please consult with your doctor before booking your appointment with us.  You will need to have a doctors permission letter.